Sunday, July 26, 2009

Galileo Construction

Greetings All,

Everyone is wondering about how the construction of the new Galileo is going...  So here is a short video that shows Spencer, sliding down the nose of the ship.  

Comments anyone?

Saturday, May 23, 2009


As many know I do not have a kid, and I am not married.  I am busy... always working on one project or another, and no girl friend thus far likes me enough to put up with my crazy life.  So, with that said I do love my Brothers kids.  I have 2 older brothers and 1 younger.  My younger brothers wife had a kid last November and for months (exactly 6 months) I have refused to hold her.  Sighting my own rules about not touching children until they are old enough  to survive being dropped 5 feet. Which in my estimation is 6 months.  

Last month I picked "Emma" up for the first time.  I grabbed her just under her arms and held her up with my arms stretched out.  She starred at me as though I was another weird person with no relation and I picked her up as though she was a dirty piece of laundry.  After picking her up, both of us starred at each other for 30 seconds.  For some reason I was reminded of a episode of "Are you being served" a Brit comedy from the 70's.  In one episode they had a funny kids toy called a "Obbley Wobbly."  Well at that moment I thought, my niece would make a good "Obbley Wobbly" so with a little bit of tilt one way and the other my nieces legs and waist swayed from side to side.  I got the biggest smile and laugh out of her and I got a good chuckle.  

Emma and I get along pretty good.  This morning was our Herring Family Carnival, I spent a good 30 minutes playing with her.  Later in the afternoon was the Part 2 of the Carnival, the traditional auction.  Grandma Herring makes a limited number of quilts each year to be auctioned off.  The first quilt to be auctioned was a baby quilt.  Emma was wrapped in it for some reason, and for some even stranger reason I felt compelled to buy that quilt for Emma... I couldn't even see what the quilt looked like from the distance I was sitting. I knew that my brother couldn't afford it.  So I bid and I got lucky, usually the bidding for one of Grandma's quilts at the Auction easily goes for $200+ .  I was able to pick this very nice, "Very Cute" (my sister in-laws words) quilt up for quite a good deal... $50.   I still can't figure out how I got it for that price!

After the action was over my sister in law brought Emma wrapped in her new quilt over to me.  Emma had a smile bigger then life and looked like a doll from Toys R Us.  She immediately wanted me to hold her and clung to me like she hasn't ever done before.  It was like she knew I payed good American money for that new blanket.  I must say it was a very nice quilt.  But as I was done holding her and handing her back to her mother I was reminded of how nice it is to be able to hand kids back over to their parents after the fun is over.  ;)

Sunday, February 1, 2009

The Week of Fun, Heaven, and then Hell

In chronological order:
January 5th, 2009: Email, Talk Radio Version 2...  Rejected by Apple iTunes and sent backto us for fix and re-submission. I was told it could take up to a month for release.

January 6th, 2009: 
Snow, Lots of snow fell!  Over a foot of snow fell in the valley's of Northern Utah.   Ryan Williams, a friend, was going to be flying into Utah from Kansas for a week of skiing and fun the next day.  The plans all in place for free skiing at Sundance Ski Resort Thursday and Friday using Western Wats Corporate Ski Passes available to corporate employees and clients. I reserved a rental, A New Nissan truck for transportation as I couldn't take my Delorean up the mountain. 

January 7th, 2009:
My first day off of my vacation, Ryan was flying in at 7:00 PM and I had allot to do to get ready! Car rental, reserve Ryan's skies, find a place that does same day binding adjustment, pay my bills, extra... most of what was on my list was allot harder to do then it should have been!  All was done by 6:45 PM and I raced to the airport at light speed. Once back at my place I introduced Ryan to my favorite of TV Show; Boston Legal.  Which I just happen to have on DVD and in no time became his favorite.

January 8th, 2009:
The snow from 2 days prior made skiing incredibly awesome!   Ryan was receiving ski lessons and I was on the slopes for the first time since tearing my ACL the year previous.  I had a minor incident half way through the day, my binding in my right ski broke.  I got lucky in that I was mostly down the hill when it happened.  I spent the remainder of the day sipping over priced hot chocolate and eating way overpriced food while Ryan was having the time of his life! 
I did not mind the down time, it was actually really relaxing, and I really needed it.  Afterwords dinner and more BL (Boston Legal).

January 9th, 2009:
A full day of skiing, all went well and another friend, David Richards and his son Taylor joined us for the fun.  The lessons paid off - Ryan skied like a pro and I made my first jumps.  Afterwords, out to eat, tour the Space Center and... more episodes of BL that night per Ryan's request.

January 10th, 2009:
When you visit Utah, how can you not go to Temple Square, Conference Center Park City and the Olympic Park!?  The day was perfect, and the temperatures and sun was like spring.  Do I need to mention that we watched more BL?

January 11th, 2009:
Church and a relaxing Utah Sunday.

January 12th, 2009:
Picked up the Delorean, took back the rental, wired a call center (yes, I went into work on my vacation days, but Ryan wanted to help and put in some hours).   Family Home Evening at my place, yea!  and then more BL!

January 13th, 2009:
Last full day, Ryan and I  are still having a blast!  We took it a little easy today and have been hanging around in Utah County.  I taught Ryan how to drive stick and we had dinner at my parents place.  On our way to my Parents place Ryan and I got into a serious discussion about life, and I made an infamous statement about good vs. evil and opposition in all good things.
Later that evening we deiced to go Hot Tubing, who knows maybe we could find some girls?
Before entering I checked all my pockets, emptying all of them onto my towel. However after about 5 minutes in the Hot Tube I found my iPhone in my pocket!  My reaction was calm, but frustrated.  I received  my phone as a gift for Christmas last year and now their it was lifeless!  It had all my business contacts, my calendar, my life!   Before sleeping Ryan logged into his school account to see the status of his grant and found he was denied. What was a sure thing and some how done a 180!

 January 14th, 2009:
 I took Ryan to Kneaders for the best breakfast found on the face of this planet!  Ryan had to be to the Airport by 12:30.  We arrived late, Ryan's plane was leaving in 35 minutes, and so I thought that the best thing was for him to use SkyCap but he didn't even know what SkyCap was!  So I parked in short term and took him to where he needed to go... When we proceeded to check him in and he was asked for the baggage fee of $10, he handed over his card to the man and was shortly told that his card had been frozen. I have had that happen to me before, it takes 24 hours for the card company to unfreeze your account after you prove to them who you are and tell them that your on vacation and your card isn't stolen!  Luckily I was with him and I had cash, so all was well.  I said goodbye and off to security he went.  Little did I know the day was just beginning...

While proceeding to my car I felt a sense of loss, Ryan and I had allot of fun and became like brothers but what I must admit is that the loss of my phone had me completely off balanced!  
I knew I had to be places but couldn't remember!  I missed 3 appointments that day, and one of them was with an official from the CIA!  I needed help, I needed phone numbers so I went to Dave Richard's, Dave invited me to go to dinner with the family, I declined and left to go home.  Not more then 60 seconds had pasted and was being pulled over by a Orem Police.  My back tail light I thought, well come to find out not just my back tail light but I had a suspended license!  Apparently the State of Nebraska never received my check from last September, I was furious!   Luckily the cop let me go on my way but gave me a ticket.  He could have impounded my car!   When I got back to my Condo, I was disoriented, and could not call anyone for help or even arrange a ride to work!  Later my room mate came home and used his phone to call my parents.  

January 15th, 2009:
My mother gave me a ride to work.  Still with no phone I was of my rocker but I convinced myself that today was going to be a great day and it was for most of it.  My boss Kirby laughed at my misfortune that morning and sent me on my way to the Orem Call Center to continue my network additions and upgrades, I was also asked if I could go to Salt Lake that afternoon and with out my calendar to tell me no, I said yes!  Why not, after all the place I am going is only 5 miles away from the Apple Store and a new iPhone.  I said heck yes!  What I forgot is that I was suppose to teach 2 classes at 4:30 & at 7:00!   I got my new phone at about 6:45 pm and that thing went crazy!  I had twenty plus voice mails, 75 plus missed calls and 2 mad bosses because none of them could get in contact with me!

January 16th, 2009:
I was bound and determined that this day was not going to be like the others!  It started out great, I had unexpected help from the corporate office in finishing the wiring of the Orem Call Center.  At 11:45 I received a phone call from my supervisor saying I was needed "El - Pronto" back at the Corp. Office.  I was invited into Kirby's office, with my suppervisor for what I thought was a planning meeting, which turned into a "We are laying you off moment".  I have never - ever been laid off before, after almost 13 years in the workforce this was a first.  Kirby, asked if he could take me out to lunch, I said yes commenting that this had to be a first in human history "Boss laying off an employee and then immediately after taking employee out for an enjoyable lunch."  

My Father picked me up from work after lunch and a quick clearing out of my desk.  He asked where I wanted to go?  I had no idea, I was unemployed... What does an unemployed person do?  I had never been unemployed!   I ended up going home with him, I had to restore my iPhone with the backup at my parents house.  Later about 3:00pm my parents dragged me to Sams Club.  Normally, I love Sams Club but this time I couldn't afford to buy anything, I just spent a week playing and partying, while looking at DVD's the phone rang - Tod was on the line, with news about Talk Radio, version 2 had released.  That evening Ryan and I talked, he told me that he was able to get his grant money and I told him of the events of the last 2 days.

Over the next few weeks all the spare time I devoted; weekends, evenings, time with friends-family that I previously sacrificed to get Talk Radio 2.0 ready had paid off with thousands of sells of Talk Radio iPhone App and over 10,000+ hits to our website.  I was officially successful in my new business.  

If your wondering why I type this, it is so I will always remember where I came from and the blessings God has been so kind to bestow.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Talk Radio Version 2.0

It's time to post again and what a crazy time we live in.  The Stock Market continues it's up and down roller-coaster ride, Israel and the Palestinians are at war again, Senitor Barack Obama is about to become El' Presidente'  (little Spanish lingo there) and I am preparing for the release of "Talk Radio, Version 2.0!"

We have had a rocky road with version 1 of Talk Radio.  Most people downloaded the program without reading the program description, which lead to many upset customers who thought the program streamed their favorite talk shows.  So my program that was originally just for finding radio shows, now with version 2.0 will be connecting our customers with the very best streams found on the internet!   

Our database of shows available on Talk Radio continue to expand with the aid of our user feedback.  New shows added include;  Ed Schultz and Coast to Coast AM, Bill O'Rilley and coming soon Michael Savage. 

Happy New Years Everyone and Many Returns!
David Kyle

Thursday, November 6, 2008

My Fellow Conservatives,

This is not a time to be morning! This is a time to take action, rebuild our movement! Liberals morn by wearing ribbons, holding hands and flying kites on earth day to make themselves feel better - We are better than that!

Hold your head up high, do what Ronald Reagan would do and flight, fight for what’s right, educate people about Freedom and the Constitution, donate money to the cause, make a new friend to convert! Come on, let’s take back our country, let’s rejoice we still live in the greatest country known to man!

God Bless the USA!
David Kyle

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Talk Radio! find it with your iPhone

In July I was driving home from Idaho back to Utah after a work trip, when I came up with an idea. Not unusual for me, I’m always thinking deep about something, but on this occasion I was just ticked off that I couldn’t find Rush Limbaugh on my radio dial! I was wishing that I could listen to him on my iPhone, but I knew that was impossible because of the little or no phone signal found as I traveled. Then it came to me… What if, Yes… Brilliant! An iPhone app that finds your location and nearest radio station that played Rush!

Now 3 months later and a lot of hard work invested; behold I present to the world my invention, “Talk Radio” for the iPhone!

Why I love talk radio?
In 2001 I was diagnosed with Chrones Disease, a disease that for almost 3 years kept me on the brink of death. During this time I kept working as hard as possible not only to live but to live with honor. Several times I was confronted with social workers and even family that urged me to stop working and enroll in Medicaid. I was earning too much to enroll and not enough to pay my mounting medical bills. I refused because 1. I hate government social welfare programs. 2. I was not going to quit working and become a slave to Demorat politicians. 3. I despise the idea of government taking other Americans money and giving it to me.

Every morning as I struggled to work Rush was there encouraging me to work harder on my business and be the best I can be. I count my blessings that so many doctors, hospitals and drug companies have been willing to work with me to establish payment plans and even giving me thousands of dollars in gifts of medicine. I am a testament to the generosity of Americans and a free people.

Rush not only kept my hopes alive, he also kept me working, fighting and brought out my passion for life.

This innovation is my gift to Rush, a man that inspires me and 20 million others to seek after and achieve the American Dream! God Bless Rush, God Bless the USA!

P.s. I’m a proud Rush Baby who started listening at the young age of 16!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

America, I am so proud of my country!

My country and I stand for the values of God given individual freedom and justice for all, not just few, many, rich, poor, white, brown or black are god given equally and should not be slanted in any way to any group or person.

In America no one should be treated any different then another. The American Constitution stands for limitless opportunity for everyone, nothing is impossible! No one is entitled to his or her neighbors land or moneys.

Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!

- I give Patrick Henry credit for the last sentence!